Tuesday, 24 June 2008


At HSMS today the prompt is


Developed to the point of readiness. Show us 'ripe' in your space today.

Was it just me, or did anyone else feel like they were back at school in art class, arranging a bowl of fruit for Still Life Drawing?

Took my son to a friend's farm, and we collected fresh eggs from the hen house. Now he knows they don't all come clean in a box from Tesco's!


etteY said...

nice apples! :D

Igotmebabe said...

Lovely green apples, great shot. The farm outing looks like a great day out

Louise said...

I loved todays prompt too, great DOF could almost eat that apple.

AudreyO said...

How fun to collect the eggs. I don't believe I've ever eaten fresh eggs. One of the disadvantages to being a city girl LOL.

I found your blog through themomblogs.com

As for the apple...yum, warm apple tart!!!!

Sue said...

Ooooo . . . looks like Granny Smiths to me. Crisp yet juicy, so juicy in fact that you have to suck as you bite, otherwise the juice runs down your chin ;-D

Great shot.

Love the farm and eggs. Great to see chickens running about :-)

Minna Hatara said...

I like your photos very much and I find these ones really cute.