Monday, 23 June 2008


At HS:MS today the prompt is


An ornamental edge or a natural border to hair. Find a fringe in your space today.

I am just in from the garden with my son - we found bees, a ladybird and a huge snail doing a poo! (Deep joy for a 3 year old boy!). Of course I took some photos, and snapped his fringe too.

Thanks for looking (and commenting!)


Bobs said...

Oh yes, snails doing a poo would definitely hold a fascination for a wee lad! lol

I love, love LOVE his hair!! I'm very partial to redheads, having had two out of three children with red hair - and two out of four grnadchildren with red hair!

Fab shots!

Zoe said...

What a gorgeous red fringe!

It's not just boys who are into the snail poo thing. L loves snails and gets most upset when we leave her 'pet snails' at Gran's (??)

Sue said...

Hi :-)

WoW! These are smashing shots of your son :-) What great hair and a super take on todays prompt.

Looking for mini-beasts takes me back to when my son was small . . . now he just wants to look at girls :-D


Igotmebabe said...

Gorgeous fringe. Never seen a snail doing a poo before :)